PDVSA presented a problem with well MPG-222, from Zone 1 of Heavy Oil, District of Marichal. At the time of intervention, the well showed levels of more than 10% of CO2 and approximately 2.5 ppm of H2S with a water cut of 90%. These levels of CO2 and H2S result in a high tendency of corrosion in contact with the water.

In the first forty-eight months after the initial completion of the well, it was necessary to replace the production tubing six times, on average once every eight months due to holes in the tubing caused by corrosion. In addition to replacing the production tubing, the well was serviced every four months for minor repairs. The Marichal Technology Management Department of Subsoil recommended the installation of the Pc3 System, formally known as the “Silver Hawg” to help resolve these issues.

Due to iron residue created when replacing the tubing, the values of iron present and the CO2/H2S caused the corrosive indexes to be high from the beginning. Upon installation of the Pc3 System, these values quickly stabilized and later reduced to almost undetectable values of corrosion reactions in the well. It is particularly important to mention the case of CO2 percentages, which fell from the original value of 10% to less than 3%.

The monthly monitoring shown below illustrates the success of the installation of the tool.

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